About Digital Growth

Understanding the Drivers of Firm and Industry Growth in the ICT Sector

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector forms the backbone of the digital transformation and has undergone spectacular
growth over the last decades. However, the ICT sector is increasingly characterized by “winner-takes-all markets” and quasi-monopolies that raise
entry barriers and threaten the survival of small I CT businesses. At the same time, the sector’s future growth is increasingly questioned as key
technological growth drivers may reach physical limits. Against this backdrop, this interdisciplinary research project aims at identifying the underlying
mechanisms and drivers of growth in the ICT sector from a firm- and industry-level perspective. At the firm level, this project draws on qualitative
case studies to advance the literature on firm growth by providing unique insights into the drivers of growth and the strategies firms use to survive in
“winner-takes-all markets”. At the industry level, this project builds on patent and industry data analysis to generate a better understanding about
how different technologies in the sector are linked and jointly shape industry dynamics. From the new insights gained, practical recommendations will
be derived on how small firms can design competitive strategies in quasi-monopolistic markets, and how regulators can support digital late movers
and develop early warning systems to prevent the emergence of monopolies.


Project Members

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Project Years

Our Focus

Some Insights

Understanding the Drivers of Firm and Industry Development in the ICT Sector

Our Expert People

Meet Our Professional Team Member

Our project is led by a team of experienced researchers in the fields of management and computer science, who are dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of the digital transformation and its impact on businesses. Our interdisciplinary team brings together diverse expertise in areas such as strategy, innovation, information systems, data analysis, and more. With our collaborative and innovative approach, we strive to produce cutting-edge research outputs that will make a significant contribution to the field of digital transformation. Meet our team members below

Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gomez

Head of the Business Information Systems Group, University of Oldenburg

Prof. Dr. Joern Hoppmann

Head of the Management Research Group, University of Oldenburg

Dr. Josua Oll

Research Associate Management Research Group, University of Oldenburg

Swantje Freund

Research Associate Management Research Group, University of Oldenburg

M.Sc. Timothy Musharu

Research Associate Business Information Systems Group, University of Oldenburg

M.Sc. Ali Akyol

Research Associate Business Information Systems Group, University of Oldenburg

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